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Interview with Author Sophie A. Monroe

Writer's picture: Kaleidoscope RomanceKaleidoscope Romance

A book cover with a dark-haired person wearing a headpiece made of butterflies. Text reads: The Chosen Bride by S. A. Monroe

Romance Sub-genre(s): Fantasy MM romance and Fantasy Why Choose romance

Steam Level: That's difficult to answer because it's so subjective, but at least



Describe yourself in three words.

Dilettante, nerdy, obsessive.

What are three fun facts about you?

I am terribly sarcastic in real life. I sing at the top of my lungs, when I'm alone in the car. I can't write without music on.

What do you do for fun when you aren’t writing?

I play Tiny Glade, lately. I'm so obsessed with that game. It's so soothing, but of course, I'm making castles and locations from my next series. I read, of course. I used to watch a lot of movies, but I can't be bothered so much, lately. I do pottery... Essentially, if it's a craft, I do it.

How did you discover writing as a possible career?

I was late to the party for this one. I have had an interest in writing for a very long time, since I was a teen, but then it was terribly difficult. Trad pub was the only way. When self-publishing came about, I was not in the right frame of mind to consider it. It was only later, when I was a stay at home mum, that I thought I should try it.

How did you choose your pen name?

My mum gave it to me (imagine me covering my face with my hands in embarrassment.) I rolled with it, but I should really have done due diligence first. For starters, there is another author with the same name. Not the Anne, but the Sophie Monroe part.

Where do you find inspiration for your stories?

That's also a difficult one. Listening to music, mostly. The vibes of the songs give me a lot of ideas. Side characters of stories I am reading. A passing encounter between two background characters might spark a 'what if...' My work in progress is a retelling of The Wild Swans, but instead of focusing on the princess, it focuses on the princes. Bonds of Dusk and Dawn is MM Fantasy romance. I also have a free story on Wattpad/Ream Stories inspired by Red Riding Hood.

What trope is your favorite to write?

The angry love confession! 'I love you! Is that what you wanted to hear?' Also the 'I want you so much I need to have you right here, right now.' And one of the MCs sacrificing their life for their loved ones.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

The creating of the stories, the sparking of new ideas. Bringing those stories to completion. Occasionally stumbling on a perfect image.

What is your writing process?

I used to be a pantser, but when I embarked in writing Bonds of Dusk and Dawn, I really had to force myself to plan. It's a seven books series that I want to write fully before I publish. It's essentially one story split in seven parts, so I couldn't be to chill about it, and plan each chapter. Then I decided to work to a length, which help me figure out a daily wordcount. I finished the first draft of all books before I moved on to the next stage. Then editing. One read through for dev. edits. Apply the changes to the storyline. Then one round of copy edits. Then one round of line edits on paper (on my ipad, with apple pen, doing my little bit for the environment, kinda). Then apply those changes. That's the stage I am on. Then I'll do proofreads. Finally, it'll be another round for cleanups. I'm also making the covers and I'll have to do the typesetting after. We'll get there.

What time of day are you most creative?

Any time of the day I can sit without being interrupted. Usually while the kids are in school. It takes 500 to 1000 words to get in the zone, so if you keep getting interrupted, you'll never get there.

What is your ideal writing environment?

One without distractions. And with music.

As an author, what challenges do you face?

Time constraints. I have kids, so my work schedule is very much determined by them.

What is your least favorite part of being an author?

Marketing. I think it's probably everybody's most hated part. As authors, I feel we all tend to be somewhat reserved, and yet we're forced to face people and talk and pretend we know what we're doing.

If there was one thing you could change about the writing/publishing industry, what would it be?

Publishing to trends! The idea that to sell, you have to write another version of what it's already selling. Like, I get it, but so many amazing stories don't get to a public because no one would give it a chance.

What advice would you give aspiring authors?

I know it's scary out there, and I know the chances of making it, in any capacity, are slim, but while trying won't guarantee success, not trying will certainly guarantee failure. One day, when I'm very old, I might regret having failed, but at least I won't regret not giving it my all and wonder what might have happened if I had genuinely worked on it.

What is something you’d like to write, but haven’t yet?

Monster Romance! I've an idea, though.

Which parts of yourself are reflected in your characters?

Elyn's sarcasm and Scarlett's nerdiness. The part I want to be as well. The fearlessness. The strength.

Which of your characters have special meaning to you?

Ethan, from my contemporary MM romance 'Anything for Him'. He was just going to be a side character, the love triangle maker, but eventually slipped under my skin and 'forced' me to write my first why choose romance.

How do you come up with character names?

Sometimes a name comes to mind, but often it's baby names, or name generators.

What is something you love to hear from your readers?

'I fell in love with the characters.' For me, that's almost the most important part. Also, 'it's well written.' I think that's the biggest insecurity of most writers.

When you read, which authors are your go-to authors?

I don't think I have a go-to author as such. Until the recent revelations, I probably would have said Neil Gaiman... I don't think I'll ever get over the disappointment, in between many other, horrible feelings. Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters, I suppose. I think we might be in safe territory with them.

Where can readers find you online?

My website is I am also on tiktok, @samonroeauthor. I'm in other places, but those are where I am most active.

Do you have any current ARCs or free downloads readers might be interested in?

A Queen of Alphas Season 1, which is a full length novel, will be free when joining my mailing list starting on Halloween! Here is the link: You can also read it for free on Wattpad, or two weeks early for followers on Ream Stories.

What is your latest/upcoming release?

My latest book was The Chosen Bride, an MMF Fantasy romance with a badass FMC, a broody priest and a very arrogant prince:

Book 1 of Bonds of Dusk and Dawn, The Lionheart's Bond, a grumpy x sunshine mm fantasy romance, is available for pre-order here:

Closing Thoughts

Only that I have so many more stories in store and hope to get the opportunity to share by badass FMCs, best book boyfriends, and by bi worlds with everyone soon. I'm also very grateful to have the opportunity to answer all these questions ^_^.

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